Nudges Work In Changing People’s Behaviour

Nudges Work In Changing People’s Behaviour

Quick HitsBrief research updates from the cognitive sciences So what do you mean by “nudges”?Richard Thaler is considered is one of the founding fathers of nudge theory in the behavioural sciences proposing nudges as the best method to modify people’s behaviour. Made...
The Right Rewards Boost Creativity in Business

The Right Rewards Boost Creativity in Business

Quick HitsBrief research updates from the cognitive sciences So who doesn’t want to have creative ideas in their business. The problem is getting employees to be creative while doing their day job as well. We also know that just asking or demanding creativity can...
Exercise is Infectious

Exercise is Infectious

Quick HitsBrief research updates from the cognitive sciences This is an older study (2017) I came across and found fascinating. As many of you regular readers will know I have reported many times on the benefits of exercise. But this study was fascinating in that it...
Why our Brains Miss Opportunities for Innovation

Why our Brains Miss Opportunities for Innovation

Quick HitsBrief research updates from the cognitive sciences When we think of innovation we think of creating something new. A new study shows that, however, we, by default, try to add something whereby subtracting something could make something better. “Additive...