Quick Hits
Brief research updates from the cognitive sciences
Are you telling me that our personality can change even if we have no motivation to do so?
In a nutshell, yes. But it depends on which personality trait!
But isn’t personality considered fixed!
Yes, it is considered fixed but over recent years this view has become more nuanced. We know, for example, that some traits develop and morph over our lifetimes. For example, we generally become calmer with age.
Ok, but what about changing personality in shorter time frames?
Yes, that has become the focus of more recent research but because of the assumption that personality was fixed there hasn’t been a whole lot of research. But generally if people say they want to change a personality trait, and undergo an intervention to change this, they have some success in this.
So how do they measure if you can change a trait you don’t want to change?
Well this clever study by Nathan Hudson from the Southern Methodist University put 400 participants through a personality change intervention but half were randomly assigned to a group that investigated changing other personality traits they had not expressed a desire to change. Specifically conscientiousness, and emotional stability.
And what were the results?
The results showed that you can change conscientiousness, probably because there are a lot of environmental factors involved in this and it can be habit based e.g. by having to keep records in your job, you become more orderly and conscientious. However, emotional stability did not change — this shows this is a deeper more emotional trait.
Don’t you, with your assessment tool, measure traits at different evolutionary levels?
Yes, we say that personality sits at different evolutionary levels and the deeper down it is, the harder it is to change. This research actually supports our thesis.
So companies, and parents, can make your employees, and kids, more conscientious — but emotionality looks more fixed.
Yes, but an explicit intervention may still have some benefit. If there is a will, there is likely a way…
© leading brains 2022
Does successfully changing personality traits via intervention require that participants be autonomously motivated to change?
Journal of Research in Personality, 95.
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Two Types of Willpower
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Mask-Wearing Makes You Better Behaved
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Don’t Try to Change Minds – Change Behaviour
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Deadlines Increase Procrastination
What! I’d get nothing done without deadlines!
Ditto, though I can be very productive, I have a natural tendency to procrastinate. In fact it is one of my natural talents!
To Change, Start Right Away
Sorry, stupid question right off the cuff. Change what?
Well, in this recent study they were looking at changing health behaviours.
Nudges Work In Changing People’s Behaviour
So what do you mean by “nudges”?
Richard Thaler is considered is one of the founding fathers of nudge theory in the behavioural sciences proposing nudges as the best method to modify people’s behaviour. Made popular by his book Nudge in 2008.
Followers Make Group Decisions a Lot Worse, or a Lot Better
First off, why is group decision-making important?
Well, a lot (just about all, if you think about it) of the biggest decisions in society and in business are made by groups: executive committees, governments, even the population in referendums.
The Right Rewards Boost Creativity in Business
So who doesn’t want to have creative ideas in their business.
The problem is getting employees to be creative while doing their day job as well. We also know that just asking or demanding creativity can diminish creativity and innovation!