Quick Hits
Brief research updates from the cognitive sciences

meal nudge behavior change

So what do you mean by “nudges”?
Richard Thaler is considered is one of the founding fathers of nudge theory in the behavioural sciences proposing nudges as the best method to modify people’s behaviour. Made popular by his book Nudge in 2008.

Nudges are environmental cues that help to modify people’s behaviour without limiting choice. For example if a healthy choice is listed as the number one meal in a canteen, more people choose the healthy option.

And this does work?
Well, there has been lots of evidence to prove that various nudges do work but as always in science, scientists want to be really sure and make sure this is not just a statistical glitch or biased research. So a group of researchers around Stephanie Mertens at Geneva University analysed a whopping 450 strategies to see what the overall effect was across all these studies.

And the results?
As the title of this Quick Hit suggests nudging is effective but it seems more effective in certain areas — most effective when it comes to healthy eating. The effect was also seen in many other areas but wasn’t as strong and depends on the strategy (e.g. information, changing choice, or changing environment).

Why do these work?
One thing they talk about is “choice architecture” — because nudging does not limit choice, we do not feel coerced which in turn can create a negative impact and backfire.

Nudges also tap into our natural biases and instincts, but in the case of nudges to the benefit of the recipient and society at large through, for example, better health, better quality of life, and lower healthcare costs.

So, use nudging to change people’s behaviour…
Yup, but remember some areas and strategies are better than others!

And will this work with my children?
Yes, of course…

© leading brains 2022


Stephanie Mertens, Mario Herberz, Ulf J. J. Hahnel, Tobias Brosch.
The effectiveness of nudging: A meta-analysis of choice architecture interventions across behavioral domains.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022; 119 (1): e2107346118
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2107346118

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